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Database Security

BenefitPlan Manager's highest priority is to provide a secure Internet site. Our database is secured with a specialized configuration of hardware and software. Accessing information from this configuration requires passing through a highly secured "firewall" and series of filtering mechanisms. This environment protects our database from Internet security risks.

Personal and plan information sent from our site over the Internet is encrypted with a security technology called Secured Socket Layers (SSL). Our SSL web server offers the highest level (128-bit RC4) of encryption technology available. This technology encrypts the information before transmitting, so that only the person requesting it is able to view it.

BenefitPlan Manager's web site must be used with an SSL compatible browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 3.0 or greater). If your browser doesn't support SSL, or if you've disabled that feature on your browser, you won't be able to view any information from our site.

You can tell when you are secure by looking at the location (URL) field. If the URL begins with https://(instead of http://), the document comes from a secure server. This means your data cannot be read or deciphered by unauthorized individuals.


BenefitPlan Manager requires three layers of authentication (group name, user name and password) that must be satisfied in order to utilize the site. The group names, user names and passwords are stored in an encrypted database that is isolated from the Internet.

Optional IP recognition can also be added for Administrator Access and View Only Access users to limit access to users within their certain bank of IPs.

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